Language teaching is constantly evolving around the world. Our practices transform as we respond to new contexts, new ideas, new initiatives and new technologies. At the same time, we look back fondly to the notions and traditions that have gone before us. We often see potential in the innovative ideas being presented to us just as we see treasures in some of the practices that have preceded us. As we navigate effective language teaching and learning in an increasingly complex world, we need to be able to look back and learn from what has gone before as well as look forward and begin to shape what is to come.
This 6-9 July 2024 in Sir Owen G Glenn Building of the University of Auckland, the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) will reach an important milestone of 50 years. Our 50th anniversary biennial conference commemorates this milestone in partnership with the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes/International Federation of Language Teachers Associations as we concurrently host the FIPLV World Congress. As in the past, we also welcome representation from our partners across the Tasman – the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA). All this makes our celebration a truly international event. Our conference will provide moments and spaces to celebrate all aspects of language teaching and learning as we seek to honour the past, embrace the present and shape the future.

Honouring the Past, Embracing the Present, Shaping the Future:
Celebrating 50 years of NZALT
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